
IBM's Director of Research Dario Gil on Big Blue's Semiconductor Breakthrough

“The nature of this advancement is not about making a chip, but rather the technology that is going to make all chips,” says Gil.
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IBM Research

3 min read

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Last week, IBM Research announced a major breakthrough for the chip world (and, by association, the whole world). After four years of work, the company unveiled the first chip in history with 2-nanometer tech.

The technology can make chips either 45% faster or 75% more energy-efficient than today’s leading options, according to IBM Research. (It’s a trade-off.)

  • To put that in perspective: Dario Gil, IBM's SVP and director of IBM Research, told us it’s like using a state-of-the-art iPhone for four days straight on a single charge.
  • Manufacturing is projected to begin in late 2024 or, even more likely, 2025.

“The nature of this advancement is not about making a chip, but rather the technology that is going to make all chips,” says Gil.

Explain it like I’m five

There are zeros and ones “behind the scenes of everything we do,” says Gil. You can convert any language—English, for example, or math—into a string of zeros and ones. So you have to translate, or “map the problem you want to solve,” into those zeros and ones, says Gil.

Next, you need a way to process those zeros and ones so you can work quickly and translate your task. Building a microscopic physical device called a transistor allows you to do that.

  • How it works: You apply voltage and electric field to the transistor’s “gate,” which acts according to its name: either allowing electric current through or stopping it short. That’s why it’s thought of as a switch, says Gil: “When current is flowing, we can call it a one, and when current is not flowing, we call it a zero.”

Bottom line: The more transistors you pack onto a chip, the more zeros and ones you can process—and the more calculations you can do.

Small device, big deal

The two-nanometer node will allow engineers to build 50 billion transistors into a chip the size of a fingernail. Each transistor is thinner than a single strand of human DNA.

“It’s this marvel of engineering and science,” says Gil. “Billions of transistors...all interconnected, processing your zeros and ones behind the scenes—and doing math for you, doing language translation for you, and so on. So that’s the beauty of it: It’s the heart of the digital era.”

Some real-life use cases: Major advances in graphics rendering, video quality and loading speeds, and payment processing. We’ll also likely see AI-driven scientific advancements—molecule simulation, drug discovery, battery tech—as well as accelerated language processing.

Zoom out: AI is “extremely power-hungry,” says Gil, who has no doubt that we’ll see even larger language models roll out as a result of the technology. On the user side, he says, that can mean better translation, voice recognition, and automated customer service. But as we’ve heard lately from academics and ethicists, bigger is not always better. —HF

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