
Coworking: Chris Noordyke works to modernize business software

The CRO and GM says his team at Comtrade 360 is “a bit like a renovation company for digital infrastructure.”
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Chris Noordyke

4 min read

Coworking is a weekly segment where we spotlight Tech Brew readers who work with emerging technologies. Click here if you’d like a chance to be featured.

How would you describe your job to someone who doesn’t work in tech?

I lead a team that specializes in modernizing the software that businesses use every day. We’re a bit like a renovation company for digital infrastructure; we take older software that companies rely on and update it for today’s technology, specifically for the cloud, which is like an invisible infrastructure that holds and processes data.

My team also integrates advanced features, like artificial intelligence and machine learning, to help software become more intuitive and efficient—similar to adding smart-home technology to an old house. An essential part of my role is to ensure that as we make these advancements, we’re also reinforcing the walls, so to speak, making the software secure against any threats or intrusions.

What’s the most compelling tech project you’ve worked on, and why?

One of the most exciting projects I’ve had the privilege to lead involved working with my favorite Major League Baseball team on updating their scoreboard technology. While “compelling” might often be associated with projects that have a significant impact on many aspects of a business or society, “exciting” for me was about the personal connection to the sport I love and the team I support.

My company provided the backend technology and expertise that not only modernized the scoreboard experience for fans but also did so efficiently, coming in under budget. The success of this project wasn’t just in the technology itself but in the joy and satisfaction it brought to the fans, enhancing their experience of the game. That personal link to the project, combined with the technical and strategic challenges we overcame, made it a truly memorable experience for me.

What technologies are you most optimistic about? Least? And why?

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I’m most optimistic about the potential of artificial intelligence. I believe AI is not just a groundbreaking technology on its own, but a catalyst that will empower and advance many other technologies. It can democratize access to tools and capabilities that, just five years ago, were out of reach for most of the global community. AI can enhance education, healthcare, and business, making these essential services more accessible and efficient.

On the flip side, I have reservations about the pervasive nature of social media. While I recognize its value as a tool for disseminating information, I am concerned about its overwhelming presence in our daily lives. Social media has the tendency to pressure individuals into portraying a certain persona or lifestyle for the sake of online validation, which can detract from the authenticity of real-life experiences. This aspect of social media can often lead to a “performance” of life rather than living it fully and privately, without the constant need to document and broadcast.

What’s the best tech-related media you read/watch/listen to?

I enjoy reading Wired. I am also old school in that I read the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times every day.

What’s something about you we can’t guess from your LinkedIn profile?

I love to read. My favorite author is Ken Follet, specifically his Pillars of the Earth series.

What do you think about when you’re not thinking about tech?

When I’m not knee-deep in tech stuff, which is pretty much all the time, my mind shifts to family and the simple joys of life. It’s refreshing to focus on something straightforward, like a hobby or just spending time with the kids. It’s about finding that sweet spot where I can enjoy the little things without the complexity of work or needing anyone’s approval.

Keep up with the innovative tech transforming business

Tech Brew keeps business leaders up-to-date on the latest innovations, automation advances, policy shifts, and more, so they can make informed decisions about tech.